
Access exclusive discounts with D.C. 靠谱的滚球平台协会会员福利

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Built by lawyers - powered by pros, the 美国靠谱的滚球平台协会退休基金 Program has been providing flexible, tailored retirement plans exclusively to legal community, 近60年来. 我们的结构使您的公司能够专注于业务的成功,同时我们为个人退休计划提供最高标准的信托保护, 降低你的信托风险. 通过我们有目的的创新,我们提供了一个投资平台,为您的参与者提供最佳选择和灵活性,以及一个完全捆绑的服务模式, custom designed to meet the unique needs of your firm, to help you 和 your plan participants learn more, 多储蓄,少烦恼. 无论您是个人执业还是大型法律机构,我们都以具有竞争力的价格提供所有这些服务. 通过美国靠谱的滚球平台协会退休基金和我们的服务提供商之间创造的独特文化, it is the mission of the Program to help every law firm, lawyer 和 legal professional to 和 through retirement. Call us at 781-796-9059 for a free consultation or visit abaretirement.com 了解更多信息.

使用LawPay程序, 你的靠谱的滚球平台事务所可以放心地接受信用卡,因为他们知道交易是正确处理的. D.C. 酒吧 Member Benefit Program offers reduced processing rates, multiple features for the client-attorney transaction, 和 a level of personalized service not easily found elsewhere. LawPay符合美国靠谱的滚球平台协会信托账户准则的要求, as well as the Attorney’s Professional Code of Conduct. 如果您正在考虑接受信用卡或想要确认您正在正确处理信用卡交易, 请致电1-866-376-0950或访问 LawPay的网站.

D.C. 酒吧还与索菲合作,提供一系列财务健康产品,帮助员工更好地管理学生贷款债务和财务状况.

学生贷款再融资: 我们知道我们的许多会员都背负着学生贷款债务. 索菲是最大的学生贷款再融资提供商,它或许能够降低这些债务的成本. 索菲的再融资可以帮助那些有学生债务的人节省总利息, 减少月供, or shorten the duration of their loans. 主要好处包括:

  • 400美元的靠谱的滚球平台奖金: For members who refinance through 索菲.com/DC酒吧
  • 节省: Members save thous和s by refinancing
  • 利率: 低可变和固定利率,有5、7、10、15和20年的还款选择
  • 简单性: 将所有现有的学生贷款(联邦和私人)合并为一个贷款,每月支付一次
  • 无隐藏费用: 没有申请费,没有发起费,也没有提前偿还贷款的罚款
  • 会员特权: 索菲提供互补的财务规划、独家会员活动、推荐计划等等

不要有学生贷款? D.C. 酒吧 has partnered with 索菲 to offer 个人贷款 to help 酒吧员s.

个人贷款: 索菲个人贷款旨在帮助您借钱用于任何个人用途,例如偿还信用卡债务, investing in home improvements, or paying for an unexpected medical expense. 与许多信用卡不同,索菲个人贷款的利率低于15%. For more information 和 to qualify for a 100美元的靠谱的滚球平台奖金 when you take out a loan, please visit 索菲.com/DC酒吧.

问题? 请访问 索菲.com/DC酒吧 or contact partnership support by calling 833-277-7634 or emailing (电子邮件保护).

由于最近发生的事情, 包括改变联邦持有的贷款,在COVID-19危机期间暂时免除利息并暂停支付义务, 我们建议任何有联邦学生贷款债务的人在再融资之前仔细审查你现在和未来的联邦贷款收益. 当你重新申请贷款时, 你放弃了你的联邦贷款的任何当前和潜在的未来利益, 包括暂时放弃联邦政府将向联邦学生贷款借款人提供的付款, 和 replace those with the benefits of a 索菲 Student Loan Refinance.

20多年来, BHG金融一直是一个值得信赖的贷款给成千上万的个人和企业-帮助他们取得成功.

D选项.C. 酒吧员, 您可以独家获得他们的财务解决方案套件,以实现您自己的个人和职业目标.


Fund major business expenses with a business loan from 连锁商业金融. 贷款金额高达500美元,000美元,并将还款期限延长至12年,你就可以创办一家新公司, 扩展你的服务, 还有更多.

A business loan from 连锁商业金融 doesn’t require personal collateral. 它也不会影响你的个人信用,可能会在5天内完成融资.

加入D.C. 酒吧 or log in today to discover the full benefits of BHG’s business loans.


BHG金融致力于帮助像您这样的靠谱的滚球平台实现您的个人目标. 与许多在线贷款机构相比,BHG消费贷款的期限更长,月供也更低,可以帮助你改善房屋状况, 巩固债务, 和更多的.

作为民主党的一员.C. 酒吧, 您可以轻松获得定制的个人贷款-这可以帮助您更快地实现您的目标.

Personal loans not currently available in Illinois or Maryl和.

连锁商业金融 business loans typically range from $20,000 to $250,000; however, well-qualified borrowers may be eligible for business loans up to $500,000.

条款 subject to credit approval upon completion of an application. 贷款规模、利率和贷款期限因申请人的信用状况而异. Finance amount may vary depending on the applicant's state of residence. Call 866-297-4311 for complete program details.

There is no impact on your credit for applying. 完整的信用记录, which will appear as an inquiry on your credit report, will be performed upon acceptance 和 funding of a loan.


Consumer loans funded by one or more participating lenders. 平等房屋贷款机构.  


Find out more about the company’s financial solutions at http://dcbar.bhgchoice.com/.

关于我们与连锁商业金融的合作,请参阅以下靠谱的滚球平台稿: http://bhgfinancial.com/media/article/bhg-financial-joins-the-d-c-bar-member-benefits-program.


With a customer-friendly experience from application through repayment, they’ll help you find your best college loan in a way you can underst和, 和 they’ll make it fast 和 easy.

成功与更少的压力Explore College Ave's offerings that include:

  • Building a repayment plan that fits your budget
  • 一个简单的在线申请,需要不到3分钟-即时信贷决定
  • No origination or prepayment fees
  • 折扣 校规的行为再融资贷款 当你通过DC 酒吧申请时.

District of Columbia 酒吧 obtains discounts to our partners' offerings as a benefit of membership; disclaims liability for all of our partners' products 和 services; 和 does not make any representations, 保证, 代言, or recommendations concerning any of our partners' products 和 services. 在某些情况下,D.C. 酒吧可以从会员购买的产品和服务中获得非会费特许权使用费收入.
